Addiction treatment programs offer a wide array of solutions and options that help a loved one focus on his or her recovery goals. In some cases, a treatment specialist or a medical professional determines that a loved one needs medication in addiction recovery and as part of the treatment plan. Although medications raise concerns about inappropriate use of the medicine, it helps with addiction recovery when a treatment plan does not focus solely on the medicine.

Effective Treatment Programs

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an effective treatment program recognizes that each individual has different needs and goals for addiction recovery. An effective program creates a personalized treatment program based on a loved one’s specific needs and goals.

In some cases, a treatment program will incorporate the use of medications to help with specific concerns; however, effective treatments also include counseling services and cognitive therapies as part of the treatment plan. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that behavioral therapies help a loved one learn new skills that prevent or replace substance abuse. It also helps a loved one address thought processes and patterns that contribute to substance abuse.

By combining medication in addiction with other treatment solutions, a loved one focuses on reaching his or her goals. The treatment program allows a loved one to start making positive changes to his or her lifestyle.

Medication in Addiction Recovery

The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that many individuals in recovery show signs of co-occurring disorders. Essentially, an individual has a mental health condition that contributes to addiction or complicates the treatment plan. Furthermore, drug abuse causes harm to a loved one’s physical body, which might require medication to help prevent further damage or health concerns.

Medications that a professional might prescribe during treatment include:

  • Appropriate medications for an underlying mental health condition
  • Medications for physical health concerns
  • Appropriate medications to help reduce withdrawal symptoms in early treatment
  • Medications to help reduce cravings or compulsions for a substance

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, combining medications with counseling and behavioral therapies helps a loved one stabilize his or her life. It addresses certain symptoms associated with physical or mental health conditions or it helps reduce the symptoms associated with addiction withdrawal so that a loved one does not face complications during the detoxification process.

Helping a Loved One Reach His or Her Goals

Addiction recovery is a long-term process that requires several treatment solutions. According to Psych Central, family members play an essential role in the recovery process by providing support and encouraging a loved one to start working on realistic goals. Family members help a loved one recognize that his or her substance abuse causes harm so that he or she willingly enters a treatment program.

Ways that family members help with recovery include:

  • Attending family therapy sessions
  • Changing enabling behaviors in the home
  • Encouraging a loved one to seek treatment

Suggest a residential program that takes a long-term approach to the recovery process and allow a loved one to focus on his or her goals. Addiction professionals understand the ways that treatment helps your loved one and they take appropriate measures to ensure that a loved one reaches his or her recovery goals.

Effective treatment recognizes that each individual has different needs and situations. In some cases, it means that a loved one will take medication. When the treatment also includes counseling and behavioral therapies, it helps a loved one avoid substance abuse and change his or her behavior.


  1. Principles of Effective Treatment, The National Institute on Drug Abuse, December 2012,,
  2. DrugFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction, The National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 2009,,
  3. Steven Gifford, LICDC, LPC, Family Involvement is Important in Substance Abuse Treatment, Psych Central, January 30, 2013,