Being the Best: Performance Enhancing Drugs
Regardless of the type of sport, performance enhancing drugs are nearly everywhere – from small town gyms to major league locker rooms. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) reports that its use is documented in obvious competitive sports like...
Biomolecular Mechanisms Involved in Addiction
Addiction is primarily fueled by abnormal neurotransmission, biomolecular mechanisms enabling nerve cells (neurons) to send impulses or signal to other nerve cells. The more accelerated neurotransmission rates, the more powerful the feeling of arousal and euphoria...
3 Medicines Used to Treat Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholism is a Disease Alcoholism is considered a disease according to the American Medical Association. To date, however, there is no magic bullet -- or pill -- to cure this disease. The good news is that there are several medications that can help someone who has...
10 Things You Can Expect To Happen If You Go Sober
Have you been on the fence about becoming sober? Sure, addiction recovery can be a long, difficult and scary road to travel, but, ultimately it's worth it. You probably know about the negative consequences of addiction like poor health outcomes, financial strain,...
3 Psychological Issues That Arise From Addiction
If you have a substance use disorder, you may not understand it's repercussions it could have on your brain. More than a temporary 'high', substance use can completely change your idea of who you think you are and who you want to be. Along with negative consequences...
Amphetamine Abuse Induced Disorders: Sexual Health
Amphetamine abuse is a serious problem in the United States and around the world. According to the National Institute of Health, about 4.7% of everyone 12 years of age or older has used methamphetamines at some point in their lifetimes, and 5.5% of those 26 years of...
Alcoholism: the Disease and Beyond
The medical community considers alcoholism a disease. There are identifying conditions that indicate alcoholism as opposed to being a "problem drinker.” Problem drinkers only drink too much "at times,” which often does create problems in your life, but...
Alcoholism Promotes ASPD and Other Externalizing Disorders
How are alcohol abuse and ASPD related? Abusing alcohol impacts personal behavior and actions. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1), alcohol contributes to roughly 40 percent of violent crimes in the United States. Although alcohol...
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome – Causes and Treatment
Anyone who has been unfortunate enough to find themselves in the throes of addiction, whether it be drugs, alcohol, or even nicotine, knows exactly what it feels like to go through withdrawal. Your body doesn’t like it when it’s not getting its buzz and...