When you or a loved one is planning to seek help to recover from alcohol abuse, you may be concerned about the process of removing drugs from the body. It is important to go through alcohol withdrawal because it gives you a clean slate when you start your treatment. By understanding how the process works, it may make the decision to seek treatment or help a loved one go through a treatment program.
Medical Supervision
Since alcohol withdrawal symptoms may be severe for some individuals, medical supervision is recommended throughout the entire withdrawal process. Depending on the treatment program, you or your loved one may go into a hospital or a similar medical facility so that a doctor and nurse is constantly available to monitor your health, the symptoms that you develop and can take action immediately if there are signs of danger.
On the first day, you or your loved one will enter the program and stay in the medical facility. That ensures that a nurse and a doctor are available, regardless of the time of day or night.
Stop Alcohol
The only way to have a complete alcohol withdrawal is not to drink any alcohol for a set period of time. In most cases, an alcohol withdrawal program will be complete within three to seven days. Depending on the severity of alcohol abuse and the duration of time that it was abused, the length of time before you no longer show signs of severe withdrawal symptoms may vary slightly.
Deal With Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Depending on the withdrawal symptoms that you exhibit, the exact solutions that are provided may vary. In some cases, you may be given a medication to help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
If a medication is provided, then the medical professional will gradually reduce the dosage so that it is possible to wean you off of alcohol without taking the risk of severe or potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.
Although medication may help, doctors may also provide vitamins and nutritional supplements to help improve your health or the health of a loved one. The solutions to help recover your health and reduce withdrawal symptoms include:
- Taking a prescription medication and gradually reducing the dosage
- Taking thiamine
- Taking folic acid
- Taking a multi-vitamin
- Eating a nutritious diet as much as possible
The reason that you or your loved one may be provided thiamine and folic acid is the impact of alcohol on the minerals in your body. Alcohol abuse can deplete thiamine and folic acid so that you or your loved one has a deficiency. Some of the withdrawal symptoms may reduce if the body has the appropriate nutrients to start healing.
Drinking Water
During the withdrawal process, you may be encouraged to drink more water than usual. The reason is the impact on your body. Water can help the body naturally remove some of the toxins that have built up as a result of alcohol abuse. It is the body’s natural method of removing toxins via sweat and urine.
Alcohol withdrawal is the first step in recovery. By removing the toxins and the substance from the body, you or your loved one can focus on the next step in living a sober lifestyle. It may seem intimidating, but treating alcohol abuse can improve your health or the health of a loved one.