Your Concerns are Legitimate
Imagine the struggle with substance abuse that your loved one is dealing with, and multiply that by an estimated 21.6 million individuals dealing with addiction to drugs and alcohol. Unfortunately, without professional care, the majority of individuals who suffer from substance abuse are unable to overcome their addictions. Nine out of 10 drug users cannot overcome their addictions without drug counseling and rehab.
If you are considering drug rehab for a loved one, friend or family member, it is natural to have questions about rehab. This information will help you better understand common drug rehab concerns, including how to find the right treatment center for a loved one and what to expect once a loved one is admitted to a treatment program. While the decision to help a loved one enter rehab can be difficult and challenging, doing nothing only enables a loved one’s pattern of drug abuse.
Q. Does drug rehab work?
Yes, drug rehab does work. With personal commitment and the right treatment program, drug rehabilitation is highly effective. The personalized treatment programs and experienced drug counselors at a rehab center can help individuals overcome a destructive pattern of drug abuse and achieve sobriety. Comprehensive inpatient treatment programs may also include life skills course to prepare individuals for life after rehab. The key to successful rehab is finding the right program that best meets your loved one’s treatment and recovery needs.
Q. How do I find the right treatment program for my loved one’s needs?
The first step to finding the right treatment program is to understand the level of care that your loved one requires. For example, a large percentage of individuals in recovery are receiving treatment for more than one dependency type. This is known as co-occurring addiction. If a loved one has co-occurring addictions, it is important to find a program that will offer care for these different substance abuse problems.
Q. Does my loved one need to withdraw from drugs prior to entering rehab?
Depending on the rehab center, withdrawal is not always necessary before entering rehab. In fact, attempting to withdraw from certain drugs without medical supervision can be dangerous and may even jeopardize your loved one’s health. Some drugs, such as heroin and opiate-based prescription painkillers, can produce severe withdrawal symptoms. Overcoming these symptoms without supervised medical assistance can be challenging and nearly impossible. A rehab center will have trained professionals on staff to guide your loved one through the withdrawal process.
Q. Can my loved one leave rehab once they are admitted?
To ensure that rehab is successful, most rehab programs do not allow individuals to come and go during the course of treatment, unless they are accompanied by staff. While most facilities are left unlocked, locked facilities do exist for individuals who need to be secured due to hostile behavior or because they pose a threat to themselves or others. In most cases, however, facilities remain unlocked although individuals are not permitted to leave.
Q. How long does my loved one need to remain in rehab?
Most rehab programs are between 28 and 35 days, although some residential treatment centers offer longer stays for up to 60 or 90 days. For maximum benefit, it is important that a loved one remain in the rehab center for the duration of treatment.
Q. Does rehab work after relapse?
Yes, rehab can work after relapse. Sometimes, after completing a rehab program, a loved one may relapse and begin using drugs or alcohol again. While this relapse can be frustrating, painful and disappointing to both you and your loved one, it is important to remember that sobriety must be taken on a day-by-day basis. Not every day will be a step forward. If a loved one does suffer a relapse, it is important to help them re-enter an effective drug treatment program. Relapse does not mean that your loved one is “hopeless” or that the previous rehab program was a waste of time. Relapse is simply a sign that your loved one needs additional care to maintain sobriety. A rehab program can help your loved one recommit to their sobriety and address the issues that contributed to their relapse.