Tips for Living with a Person in Recovery

Living with a person who is in early recovery can be a challenge. Whether they are a friend or a family member, there are several steps you can take to make the situation supportive of their recovery efforts without sacrificing your needs or lifestyle. It is important...

Coming Clean: How to Reset Your Reputation

Of all the things we lose when we’re in the grip of addiction, perhaps the most painful is our reputation. Even the people in our lives who are often quick to forgive can be equally slow to forget our screw-ups. Learning how to reset your reputation is crucial toward...

Friendship in Recovery: Don’t Try to Go It Alone

You can’t recover alone. Of all the axioms about recovery, this is one of the most important and widely accepted. The road to a new life is a difficult one. Trying to work a program, monitor your own transformation, set and maintain boundaries, all on your own? Nearly...